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Image Kate & Mim-Mim

Kate & Mim-Mim

Release Date 2017-09-13
Runtime 60 minutes
Genres Kids
Stars Maryke Hendrikse, Lee Tockar, Matt Hill, Tabitha St. Germain, Brian Drummond

A little girl and her plush bunny go on incredible adventures in the imaginary land of Mimiloo.

1. Bathtime for Boomer


Kate and Mim-Mim help Lily chase down the Muddy Pirate Boomer to make him take his bath.

2. The Mimiloo Express


When Kate runs out of train tracks, her surprise special delivery for Mom goes off the rails - until she and Mim-Mim take a ride on the Mimiloo Express and learn how to improvise.

3. Jurassic Tee Hees


Kate and Mim-Mim help their friends track down some giant dinosaurs who have run off with Tack's invention, the Larger Barger.

4. Tack & the Beanstalk


When Lily gets swept up into the clouds by a giant, fast-growing beanstalk, Kate rallies the gang to climb up after her, with Boomer leading the way.

5. Eggy Boomer


When Kate and Mim-Mim go birdwatching with their Mimiloo friends, they find that things aren't always what they seem.

6. Chariots of Fun


When Mim-Mim has trouble learning how to ride in a chariot race, Kate encourages her big funny bunny to pick himself up and keep trying.

7. Mim-Mim's Eggscellent Easter


After Boomer and the Tee-Hee Rexes collect all the Easter eggs in Mimiloo before anyone else gets a chance, it's up to Kate, Mim-Mim and the gang to help the Easter Bunny save Easter.

8. Lily's Ballet Recital


When Lily invites her friends to perform in her ballet recital, Kate has to help Mim-Mim dance in his own Mim-tastic style.

9. Boomer's Blanky


Thanks to Tack's new Load Lightener invention, Boomer's blanket has given him superstrength. But when the blanket flies away, Boomer thinks he'll never be super again.

10. Boogedie Bear Hair


Gobble's fur has grown so long that his friends keep mistaking him for a scary boogedie bear and running away from him.

11. The Mimiloo Clubhouse


It's Mimiloo Day, so the gang is building a new clubhouse that's big enough for all their Mimiloo friends. But when the clubhouse turns out all crooked, they'll have to rush to fix it in time for the Mimiloo Day party.

12. The Fluff Between Your Ears


Tack shrinks Kate, Mim-Mim and the gang and transports them inside Mim-Mim's fluffy brain to help him track down a lost memory.

13. Lights, Camera, Mim-Mim!


The Mimiloo gang are making a movie, but Mim-Mim is so busy running errands, he misses his chance to be in it.

14. The Sky is Falling


Kate, Mim-Mim and the gang face a puzzling problem when the Mimiloo sky starts to fall down in puzzle pieces - and it's soon made worse by Boomer's fear of the dark.

15. Friendship Day


When the Mimiloo gang have difficulty delivering gifts to their friends on Friendship Day, Kate helps to solve the problem with the help of one special little lemming.

16. Octo-Mim


Gobble has so many banana trees, he can't pick all the bananas himself. But even with Tack's Octo-Pack invention offering extra hands, the situation soon flies out of control.

17. Small Blunders


When the Mimiloo gang get shrunk down and trapped inside Tack's storage shed, all the tools they'd normally use to get out are too big for them. Kate will have to think creatively to get out of this one.

18. Secret Superhero


Tack is mistaken for a superhero and decides to secretly take the job. But life as Mimiloo Man is lonely, and Kate and her friends miss having Tack around.

19. Sprite Lights


Kate and her friends want to help some lost water sprites return to the Singing Seas, but they'll have to dive deeper than ever - down to where sea monsters are said to live.

20. Wild Boomer


When Boomer eats a hopper berry that turns him giant, purple and wild, his friends mistake him for a monster and run away scared.

21. Grabby the Crab


Tack wants to help his new neighbor Grabby to build his house, but Grabby just does everything himself. But they'll have to learn to work together to save Grabby's house from an unexpected mishap.

22. Lunar or Later


When Kate and her friends take Rumbly on a trip to the moon, Mim-Mim finds out that doing things you've never done before can lead to new and surprising discoveries.

23. Boomer's New Pet


Boomer has a frisky new critter friend that he wants to keep as a pet, but its hard shell and high speed are causing trouble all over Mimiloo.

24. Gobble's Gizmos and Gadgets


When Gobble's garden starts to wilt, he worries that he's lost his touch as a gardener. He tries to take up inventing instead, like his best buddy Tack, but he still misses his plants.

25. Little Kate Riding Hood


Mim-Mim feels uneasy about telling the gang a story, but with Kate's encouragement he learns that anyone can make up their own story. It's as easy as starting with 'Once upon a time...'.

26. Glowing Up


The star song flower that sings Boomer to sleep every night is missing - and so are all the other star song flowers in Mimiloo! The gang set off to find the culprit and the flowers - or Boomer might never sleep again!

27. Me and My Shadow


Tack's new invention brings Mim-Mim's shadow to life! But when Mim-Mim and his shadow have a falling out, the shadow runs away, and Mim-Mim doesn't feel like himself without it.

28. Twirly Scouts


When Kate and the Mimiloo gang go hiking, Kate's insistence that everyone 'be prepared' and follow the rules of hiking pays off when Mim-Mim and Boomer find themselves separated from the group!

29. Boomer's Three Wishes


When Kate and the Mimiloo gang go hiking, Kate's insistence that everyone 'be prepared' and follow the rules of hiking pays off when Mim-Mim and Boomer find themselves separated from the group!

30. Remember When


After a mishap with Tack's invention, Mim-Mim loses his Mimiloo memories! So Kate leads him to all their favourite sights in Mimiloo, in search of an extra special memory that will jog the rest back into place.

31. The Mimiloo Mystery Friend


Detectives Kate and Mim-Mim lead the gang in search of the mystery friend who's leaving presents for everyone in Mimiloo! Their fun investigation leads to a surprising twist - and a very pleasant surprise.

32. King Boomer


Boomer's frustrated after being told he's too little to help harvest Gobble's garden. But when he meets a colony of tiny mole miners, Boomer's the biggest and strongest among them... and they need his help!

33. So You Think You Can Trumpet


Boomer's new friend is a wonderful trumpeter, so he brings her to the Mimiloo Talent Show to perform with him. But she's too shy to go on stage, so when the judges hear her beautiful trumpeting, they give Boomer all the credit!

34. The Mimiloo Safari


Binky the monkey is missing from Mimiloo Zoo! Worried he might have got lost while exploring, Kate leads the gang on a safari to find their friend and help him get home safely. But all is not what it seems.

35. Baby Gobble


A fun fruit called a whirly-fig accidentally turns Gobble back into a baby! Baby Gobble is a lot of fun, but soon the gang needs Big Gobble back to save their whirly-fig harvest from a hungry cute-a-pillar.

36. Lucky Funny Bunny


Mim-Mim accidentally fixes one of Tack's inventions and becomes Tack's Lucky Funny Bunny Charm! Soon everyone in Mimiloo is relying on Mim-Mim's 'luck' to fix their projects - but Mim-Mim's luck soon runs out.

37. Mim-Mim on Ice


Kate and the Mimiloo gang are playing a friendly game of hockey with a team of penguins, but when goalie Boomer keeps leaving the net to try to score, Kate helps their team get back on track.

38. Kate's Surprise


Mim-Mim is tasked with keeping Kate occupied while the rest of the gang prepare a big surprise for her. But keeping the surprise a secret is one of the hardest things he's ever done.

39. Fun for Zoom Zoom


Boomer tries everything to make his pet Zoom Zoom as happy as possible, but it's never what Zoom Zoom really wants!

40. Boomer's First Flight


When Boomer flies a wind flower for the first time, his loops, flips and stunts look out of control. But when the rest of the gang get swept up by a whirlwind in the Gusty Windstream, it's up to Boomer to rescue them!

41. Tack's Obstacle Course


Tack wants his obstacle course to be fun for everyone in Mimiloo. But when he makes the challenges too difficult, it's up to Kate to lead the gang to the finish line and help Tack change the rules.

42. Boomer's Masterpiece


Boomer has a Big Boomer Idea, and he's keeping it a secret. Boomer's ideas tend to end in disaster, or at least a very big mess, so the gang are determined to discover his plans and minimize the damage!

43. The Story of Tack


Tack is staging his very own play, but when a mishap with the Colour Corrector ruins all of his sets and props, he can't bring himself to perform. But the show must go on!

44. The Story of Tack




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